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8 October 2024
Vienna, Austria
EuProGigant Open House Day 2024
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Open until 3 October 2024

A resilient, data-driven and sustainable ecosystem to regain and strengthen European leadership in the manufacturing industry:

The Austrian Manufacturing Innovation Data Space (AMIDS) will be the main result of the Lin-X projects (PilotLin-X und ResearchLin-X). With the support of academic and industrial partners, the pilot factories of the JKU Linz, TU Graz and TU Wien will be interconnected to allow for the demonstration of the co-design and co-production of production parts. In doing so, companies will have a sustainable, low-threshold contact point for complex innovation projects and easy access to data spaces. (amids.at)


Open and secure data exchange along the entire process chain of the machining industry – this is the goal of the DIONE-X research project. By building an efficient and secure data and service ecosystem based on the principles of Gaia-X, DIONE-X enables ecosystem participants not only to exchange data across companies but also to create new fields of application, including data-driven business models. In three use cases, project partners from research and industry will develop standards and guidelines that are essential for building this value network. (dione-x.euprogigant.com)


The ESCOM research and innovation project – Edge Services for Components – focuses on balanced edge cloud environments for sovereign component service systems in the production environment. The project both tests the advantages of edge computing in industry-related application scenarios and illustrates the guiding principles of a Gaia-X-compliant data and service ecosystem. The framework of the two application scenarios is metalworking discrete manufacturing. (escom.euprogigant.com


The Austrian-German Gaia-X lighthouse project EuProGigant stands for the vision of a smart, resilient and sustainable European manufacturing industry. By March 2025, the project team will set up a multi-location, digitally networked production ecosystem. In interaction with Gaia-X, EuProGigant not only enables sovereign data management but also offers a new dimension in the analysis of the companies’ own production processes by making cross-company data value chains in a multi-platform ecosystem describable. EuProGigant is also member of the GEN-X network. (euprogigant.com)

The European research project Flex4Res aims to improve the resilience of supply chains. An open platform based on the principles of Gaia-X will enable secure and sovereign cross-company data exchange. Combined with additional toolboxes for resilience assessment and reconfiguration planning, stakeholders across the supply chain will be enabled to manage different types of disruptions by reconfiguring supply chains and production lines quickly and efficiently. (flex4res.eu)

Palais Ferstel, Strauchgasse 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria
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